I don’t know about you all, but I NEVER take my rings off. Well, that’s a lie, I take them off when I put on lotion or swim in the pool, but I immediately put them back on when I’m done! I sleep with them on, shower with them on, I workout with them on, I even wear them to the beach. Because I wear my rings through just about everything, they tend to accumulate some residue in all the little creveces and lose their shine. We all want our diamonds to sparkle every second of every day, and in order to do that, I give my rings a little TLC every few weeks. When my husband bought the rings, the jeweler told him that we could bring the rings in for cleanings every few months and they would polish it up and make it like new. But what do I do to preserve the sparkle in the meantime?
Well ladies, the secret is in Connoisseur’s Jewelry Cleaner. It is unlike any cleaner/polish that I have ever used. It comes in a little red container and inside the liquid cleaner is a little tray to place your rings and other jewelry, as well as a little brush to srub away any residue. The bristles on the brush are so little that they let me get under my diamond to brush away anything that accumulates under there. Connoisseur has a line of cleaners designed for every type of metal and stone. I use the “Precious” cleaner which is to be used on gold, platinum, diamonds and other precious stones. They have another cleaner that is used for silver. You can find the cleaner at any place where they sell jewelry cleaner, and it’s pretty inexpensive. I even found some at Walmart once.
The container contains instructions for cleaning, which I follow, but with one little difference. The container tells you to drop the rings into the container and let it sit for a few seconds, then brush the stones or metal. It then says to rinse the rings with warm water and dry with a towel. That will definitely put the wow back into your rings, but I add one extra little step. After I brush the diamond with the cleaner and the little brush, I use a warm, wet cloth to clean the rings one more time before I rinse them in warm water and dry them off. Sometimes the brush can miss a few spots and I want to make sure that my rings are as clean as possible!
Depending on how dirty your rings get, will ultimately depend on how often you clean them, but I usually try to clean my rings every 3 weeks or so. Just remember, you don’t want to over do it. It’s normal for rings to get dirty at times J
Happy cleaning,
I always knew you would write!